Three decades of developing new technologies in the infrastructure sector.
Three decades of developing new technologies in the infrastructure sector.
With innovation as its main pillar, VINCI Coatings has been characterised by generating value for the environment and society. Through the development and implementation of infrastructure solutions for sectors such as road development, hydrocarbons and water and sanitation.
With innovation, research and added value generation as its pillars, VINCI Coatings has been characterised by creating a positive impact on the environment and society, through the development and implementation of infrastructure solutions, bringing the best available technology within the reach of end users.
Where quality, innovation, speed and traceability are the best way to provide an efficient and effective solution for the population and the environment.
We leverage professional talent from around the world for the development of various projects that meet our standards of innovation and quality, transferring these values to a global scale, to meet the diverse needs that we have as a society.
Vinci Network is our international representation program where our allies can implement our innovation and technological development processes to solve infrastructure needs with a positive impact worldwide.
One of our most valuable assets apart from our work team is our support with international companies that have allowed us to implement in every detail our experience and values in their projects.
Uno de nuestros activos más valiosos aparte de nuestro equipo de trabajo es nuestro respaldo con empresas internacionales que nos han permitido implementar en cada detalle nuestra experiencia y valores en sus proyectos.
+57 315 581 8268
+57 317 436 2754
– Salvaguardar la vida de las estructuras
– Optimización de procesos constructivos en infraestructura tunelera
– Cuarto de máquinas
– Túneles de acceso
– Bocatomas
– Salvaguardar patrimonio de las edificaciones
– Salubridad de los espacios
– Seguridad
– Confort de los usuarios
Beneficiando más de 3 millones de habitantes de Bogotá contribuyendo en el proceso de tratamiento de aguas del departamento
– Potabilidad
– Conservación
– Salvaguardar estructuras
– Salud
– Salubridad
– Cuidado del medio ambiente
– Reducción de impacto ambiental
– Reducción de huella de carbono
– Reducción de Transporte
es nuestra inspiración para crear nuevos desarrollos que generen un cambio. Conoce todas las innovaciones y patentes que hemos desarrollado.
– Monitoreo de datos exactos y en tiempo real.